Posted by: Rexeruz | November 17, 2010

Player’s Choice Party Poll

What will it be?

Hello Xtremers!,

We’ve had some awesome parties recently on Webosaurs Island, but I thought this week I’d let the the dinos choose!

That’s right, we’re going to have a Player’s Choice Party this Friday and it’s going to be great…

I can’t yet say where we’ll be or what we’ll be doing, but I do know that whatever we’ll doing will be a blast because the most bluggin’ dinos on the planet will be there.

I’ve got a couple of ideas of what might go down, so vote on your favorite and then we’ll make it happen.

Also if you have any specifications or a write-in vote, leave a comment. Make sure to check the comments and if you like what someone else has put there, vote for that!

Woot I can’t wait for the weekend!

The Poll Consists Of:

Comedy Night: A Night Were You Can Tell Jokes

Quiz Night: Is A Night With Alot Of Quizes and It May Have Pterry As A Host,You Can Win Trophies.

Findmeosaur Party: A Night To Find The Myterious Modosaur,Findmeosaur.FindMIOsaur.

Write-In Answer


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