Posted by: Rexeruz | December 19, 2010

WeboGames Winners!

The Results are IN!

Hey Xtremers!,

Well gang, WeboGames 2010 have now come and gone, wow what a ride!

Wherever you are give a big three toot salute to everyone who battled it out this year and competed in WeboGames, we all know it was harder than ever to stay on Leader Boards this year, but it was worth the effort!

We all met today in Prairie Pool to begin celebrating the WeboGames closing ceremonies.

We paraded to the Lizard Lounge and announced the winners.

We even had our very special old friend Rex drop in to congratulate the winners.

Let’s all give three toots and recognize our champs!

Third Place – Coolhlh

Runner up – Chipmunk

First Place – Sludge

Congratulations to everyone that competed and to our winners!

Chief and Wally will be collecting evidence for Pterry all weekend long so stop by and try to figure out the mysterious recent happenings on Webosaurs Island and then come to the Secret Temple tomorrow at 12:00 WST for their party, you don’t want to miss it!

~Rexeruz, Woohoo Winners!


Closing Ceremonies!

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