Posted by: Rexeruz | December 11, 2010

Koreaceratops Go Fetch!

Good boy Koreaceratops!

Hello Xtremers!,

Our dino fact this week comes directly from our old buddy Rex!

I was going to write about one of the questions you left as a comment on last week’s post about Dunkleosteus, but Rex told me about Koreaceratops yesterday and it was too good to pass up!

Finally a new dinosaur was discovered somewhere other than China, although Koreaceratops was also discovered in East Asia.

Koreaceratops is the first horned dinosaur (ceratopsian) to be discovered on the Korean Peninsula.

Koreaceratops roamed around the Korean Peninsula around 103 million years ago and is a cousin of the famed Triceratops… just much smaller and without horns.

This little guy was about the size of a Labrador Retriever and like Labs probably loved to swim.

Koreaceratops had long spines called neural arches protruding from it’s tail, what this means is that he had some sort of large fan sticking out of the top of his powerful tail.

This has lead scientists to conclude that Koreaceratops spent a lot of time swimming in the water looking for food.

Because he was so small, taking to the water was probably a good form of defense for Koreaceratops too.

I bet he was great at playing fetch, Horns probably spent hours tossing a stick into the water for Koreacertops to bring back.

I wonder if Koreaceratops could play dead and roll over too? He looks like such a good dino.

What do you think about Koreacertops?

They seem like they would be really playful dinos, we might need to bring in some Koreaceratops as Webosaurs pets! Leave your comments here!

~Rexeruz, Kool Koreaceratops

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