Posted by: Rexeruz | December 9, 2010

Weekly Environmental Fact: Troubled Bluefin Tuna


You are beast Bluefin.

Hey Xtremers!,

The mighty Bluefin Tuna is in serious trouble.

You may not be able to tell from this picture, but Atlantic Bluefin Tuna are seriously beastly machines.

These bad boys (and gals) can weigh over 900 lbs, are apex predators and along with Marlins are the largest bony fish on earth.

I’m sure they don’t look quite as powerful on your tuna fish sandwich, but if you’re not a picky eater, you’ve probably eaten one of these for lunch at some point in your life.

Which is precisely why they are in such trouble, Atlantic Bluefin Tuna have been a commercial catch for as long as mankind has been fishing, from the ancient Greeks and Phoenicians right up to the can of tuna in your pantry and the delicious pink meat in your sushi roll.

As delicious as these powerful fish are, the problem is that we’re getting greedy and taking too many out of our oceans.

Conservationists were hoping that fishermen would stop hauling them in during 2011 in order to allow the Bluefin time to recover, but sadly fishermen from 48 countries decided to barely lower the limit on Bluefin that will be caught during 2011.

Conservationists from Greenpeace and other environmental groups are fighting the decision, but if we don’t stop fishing for Bluefin so heavily we’re going to lose them forever.

The Bluefin Tuna are in need of a group similar to the Sea Shephards to look out for them, we can still fish for them and eat them, but not in such high numbers. What do you think about Atlantic Bluefin Tuna?

What do you think can be done to protect our world’s oceans? Leave your thoughts here!

Note: Im Sick That’s Why Im In A Hurry

~Rexeruz, Boomtastic Bluefin

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