Posted by: Rexeruz | November 11, 2010

Daily Dino Fact:Grannysaurus?

Granny Yizhousaurus

Hello Xtremers!,

Seems like all of the good dinosaur discoveries have been coming out of China recently doesn’t it?


Well here’s another very cool one, this time it’s the “grandmother” of all Sauropods!(Stretch’s Grandma)

Her name is Yizhousaurus sunae and this old lady is roughly 200 million years old.

Researchers are particularly excited because the skull is completely intact and researchers were able to uncover the full fossilized skeleton.

Sauropods were big, heavy creatures with strongly constructed bones, but they had tiny little heads and relatively weak skulls.

That is why researchers are so excited that Granny was able to keep her skull intact for 200 million years, she’s the first complete skeleton of a sauropod ever found!

What’s even more exciting is that Granny Yizhousaurus connects older, smaller Sauropods found in China to younger, bigger ones.

Researchers have long been hoping to find a connection between the two and finally Granny has come along to “bridge the gap,” her skeleton was found near where skeletons of prosauropods (precursors to sauropods) were previously found.

Granny does for Sauropods what Lucy did to shape the human evolutionary tree.

What do you think about Granny Yizhousaurus?

Why do you think so many dinosaur fossils are currently being discovered in China?

Have you learned about who Lucy was and the importance of her discovery?

Tell me what you think!

I Think Its Bluggin

~Rexeruz,I Love My Granny Boogers!

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