Posted by: Rexeruz | September 8, 2010

Thank You From Tert And The Webosaurs Staff!

Hi Xtremers!,

Thanks From All Who Helped The New Dinos And Here Is The Message From Rex:

“After watching the Protectosaurs in action (especially our good friend Doggy who gets mega kudos), the entire Webosaurs staff has been so impressed. ModosaurTert wanted to give a special THANK YOU! to Doggy and everyone else who has been helping with the new dinos and making lots of friends. So… she drew a little fan art herself as a thank you card to all of you rockin’ dinos!

Cool, huh? Thank you guys so much for all of your help. Its because of you that this Island is going to keep growing and staying the great place that it is.”

~Rexeruz,Thank You Boogers!

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